With the entry into force of the TPNW (Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons) the governments in European nuclear sharing countries, i.e. Belgium, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands, are confronted with a new reality: nuclear disarmament is now on the agenda in security politics.
This is our opportunity: the percentage of people in favor of signing the TPNW has reached 75–80% in Europe. The worldwide ICAN – campaign for the TPNW is gaining momentum. Scientists’ and citizens’ constructive criticism on the expert group report of NATO 2030 will play an important role.
With several webinars on ending nuclear sharing in Europe, IPPNW Europe – together with ICAN-Europe and the Nuke Free Europe Campaign – aims to energize this discussion. We want to develop a common strategy for the affected European countries by creating a dialogue among peace activists, youth movements, churches, trade unions with scientists and parliamentarians.
Our first webinar will take place on
March 29th, 2021 from 18:00 – 19:30 h
Speakers: Tom Sauer (Universiteit Antwerpen), expert on nuclear arms control and international security questions, will give an overview including the situation in Belgium; further country reports will be given by Peter Buijs (NVMP Netherlands), Lisa Clark (ICAN Italy) and Johannes Oehler (ICAN Germany). The discussion will be opened by Susy Snyder, expert from ICAN and PAX Netherlands.
Register at: https://zoom.us/j/98057733861?pwd=VmtRQ0JPZk5VajBBZFl3d0E5SXQwUT09