Online Award Ceremony of the Nuclear Free Future Award 2020
25.11.2020 – 4 PM (CET) – Event in English
Since 1998, the Nuclear-Free Future Award has honoured people worldwide who have committed themselves to a future free of nuclear power and nuclear weapons.
An international jury of activists and scientists selected the winners of the Nuclear Free Future Award 2020 in the three categories resistance, education and solution – each prize is endowed with 5000 US dollars:
Category Resistance: Fedor Maryasov and Andrey Talevlin, Russia
Category Education: Felice and Jack Cohen-Joppa, USA
Category Solution: Ray Acheson, Canada/Ireland
Due to Covid-19, this years award ceremony will be held online via Zoom. This event is organized by the Nuclear Free Future Foundation in cooperation with ICAN Germany.
The participants, their stories and activism for a nuclear free world will be presented. Subsequently, there will be a Q&A session.
Please register if you want to participate.